Continous Fryer

Continous Fryer
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Jinan DG Machinery Co., Ltd Curtain Style Continuous Fryer, gas fired (LPG), 3 ph, includes includes the fryer body, the oil filter and pump, the gas boiler unit, and a hoist to lift the curtain head off for cleaning. Contains up to 160L of oil, though it can be run down at around 100L. Frying temperature can go up to 220 degrees Celcius. Frying time is configurable between 60-290 seconds. This is a curtain fryer, which can be used for frying a variety of snacks, meats, and donuts. Continuous curtain frying is a little more efficient than deep frying, as the oil is circulated over several ‘curtains’ which the product passes through. This particular fryer can be configured so that the product also passes through a shallow pool of oil, giving a kind of ‘hybrid’ fry. Machine is certified to New Zealand electrical and gas codes.

Frying area is 1860mm x 420mm (0.78sqm).

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